원종성. (2017). "Building Information Modeling (BIM) 설계 검토를 통한 온실가스 배출량 절감 효과 분석 - 한국의 BIM 프로젝트 사례 분석." 대한건축학회논문집, 38(2).Won, J. (2017).
김재엽, 원종성. (2017). "팀 기반 학습을 적용한 건축시공학 교육프로그램의 학습효과 분석." 한국건축시공학회논문집, 17(1).Kim, J.-Y., and Won, J. (2017).
철도역사 에너지절감 관련 현황 및 연구동향 분석, 한국교통대, 2016Review Analysis of the Energy Conservation in Railway Station, KNUT, 2016
차양을 이용한 시청사 에너지 절감 계획 연구,한국교통대, 2016An Analysis on Building Shading Plan for a City Hall considering Energy Saving, KNUT, 2016
윤승조, 유리섬유시트와 탄소강으로 보강된 목조 접합부의 구조적 거동에 관한 실험적 연구, 대한건축학회연합논문집, 2016
윤승조, CFRP Bar가 표면 매입된 목재 보의 휨 거동에 관한 실험적 연구, 대한건축학회연합논문집, 2016
서수연, “콘크리트에 표면매입 보강된 FRP판의 전단키 및 연단거리 효과”, 한국구조물진단유지관리공학회,제20권 1호, 2016. 1, pp.41-47
황승범, 서수연, 이강철, 이석현, “프리캐스트 트리플 리브 슬래브의 전단성능”, 한국콘크리트학회 논문집, 제28권 4호, 2016. 8, pp.489-496
서수연, 김강수, “건물 지하벽 시공을 위한 EG-Frame 시스템의 필러 연결부 지압강도”, 대한건축학회논문집, 제32권 10호, 2016. 10, pp.3-11, 2016
Soo-Yeon Seo, Moon Sung Lee and Luciano Feo, “Flexural Analysis of RC Beam Strengthened by Partially De-bonded NSM FRP Strip”, Composite Part B, Vol.101,No.15, 2016, pp.21-30. (SCI)
Soo-yeon Seo, Bo-ram Nam, Sang-ku Kim, “Tensile Strength of the Grout-filled Head-Splice-Sleeve”, Construction and Building Materials, 124, 2016, pp.155-166 (SCIE).
Kang Seok Lee, Bang Yeon Lee, Soo Yeon Seo, “A Seismic Strengthening Technique for Reinforced Concrete Shear Columns Using Sprayed FRP, Polymers. 8-107, 2016 (SCIE)
Jin-Ha Hwang, Deuck Hang Lee, Jae Yuel Oh, Seung-Ho Choi, Kang Su Kim and Soo-Yeon Seo, “Seismic performances of centrifugally-formed hollow-core precast columns with multi-interlocking spirals”, Steel and Composite Structures, Vol.20, No.6, 2016, pp.1259-1274. (SCIE)
Soo-yeon Seo Ki-bong Choi, Yeong-sun Kwon and Kang-seok Lee, “Flexural Strength of RC Beam Strengthened by Partially De-bonded Near-Surface-Mounted FRP Strip”, International Journal of Concrete Structures and Materials, Korea Concrete Institute, Vol.10, No.2, June 2016, pp.149-161 (SCIE)
윤승조, Viscosity influence on rising behavior of model air bubbles in fresh mortar, CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS, 2015A Case Study on Seasonal Building Thermal Load Analysis according to Apartment Balcony Extension using Building Energy Simulation Tools, KNUT, 2012
윤승조, 광합성균을 혼입한 시멘트 모르타르의 CO2 흡수성능에 관한 기초적 연구, 한국건축시공학회, 2015
김재엽, 원종성. (2016). "건축물에 적용된 태양광발전설비 세척장치의 편익-비용 분석." 한국건축시공학회논문집, 16(6), 587-594.Kim, J.-Y., and Won, J. (2016).
Won, J., and Lee, G. (2016). "How to tell if a BIM project is successful: a goal-driven approach." Automation in Construction, 69, 34-43.
Won, J., Cheng, J. C. P., and Lee, G. (2016). "Quantification of construction and demolition waste prevented by BIM-based design validation: case studies in South Korea." Waste Management, 49, 170-180.
Lu, Q., Won, J., and Cheng, J. C. P. (2016). "A financial decision making framework for construction projects based on 5D building information modeling (BIM)." International Journal of Project Management, 34(1), 3-21.
Soo-yeon Seo, Su-min Jeon, Kyeong-tae Kim, Masayuki Kuroki and Kenji Kikuchi, “Compression Behavior of Form Block Walls Corresponding to the Strength of Block and Grout Concrete”, International Journal of Concrete Structures and Materials, Korea Concrete Institute, Vol.9, No.1, March. 2015, pp.21-33. (SCIE)
Soo-yeon Seo, Luciano Feo and David Hui, "Bond Strength of Near-Surface-Mounted FRP Plate for Retrofit of Concrete Structures", Composite Structures, Vol.95, Jan. 2013, pp.719-727 (SCIE)
Lee, G., Jeong, J., Won, J., Cho, C., You, S.-j., Ham, S., and Kang, H. (2014). "Query performance of the IFC model server using an object-relational database (ORDB) approach and a traditional relational database (RDB) approach." Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, 28(2), 210-222.
수직 밀폐형 지중열 교환기 설계 조건에 대한 천공 깊이 변화에 관한 연구, 한국교통대, 2014
외단열 벽체 기준 검토 및 성능 평가에 관한 연구, 한국교통대, 2014
태양광 발전량 예측 도구별 입력 요소 분석 및 실제 발전량 비교에 관한 연구, 한국교통대, 2014
임지희, 이건철: 고로슬래그미분말의 분말도가 모르타르의 레올로지 성질에 미치는 영향, 대한건축학회구조계논문집, Vol.30, No.6, pp.51∼58, 2014. 6.
김경민, 이건철, 장수근, 윤승조: 온도추종 양생 장치를 이용한 저온환경 콘크리트의 강도발현 성상 검토, 대한건축학회구조계논문집, Vol.30, No.6, pp.75∼82, 2014. 6.
임지희, 이건철: 고로슬래그미분말의 치환율 변화에 따른 굳지않은 모르타르의 레올로지 특성 검토, 한국건축시공학회지, Vol.14, No.4, pp.285∼291, 2014. 8.
윤승조, 온도추종 양생 장치를 이용한 저온환경 콘크리트의 강도발현 성상 검토, 대한건축학회 논문집, 2014
윤승조, 생산지별 고로슬래그미분말이 굳지 않은 모르타르의 레올로지 성질에 미치는 영향, 대한건축학회연합 논문집, 2014
윤승조, 내력향상이 가능한 매립형 차음보강재로 보강된 RC 슬래브의 구조적 거동에 관한 실험적 연구, 청운대 건설환경연구소, 2014
윤승조, 스틸밴드로 외부 보강된 철근콘크리트 기둥의 주근과 콘크리트간의 부착강도에 관한 연구, 대한건축학회연합 논문집, 2014
윤승조, 스틸밴드로 외부 보강된 철근콘크리트 기둥의 중심축력 거동에 관한 실험적 연구, 녹색성장산업연구소, 2014
윤승조, Shear Strengthening Effects of Beams using Aramid Plate Strip, International Conference on Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 2014
윤승조, A Fundamental Study on CO2 Absorption Efficiency of Cement Mortar Mixed with Photosynthetic Bactaria, International Conference on Advances in Science and Technology, 2014
Gun-cheol Lee, H. B. Choi : Study on interfacial transition zone properties of recycled aggregate by micro-hardness test, Construction and Building Materials, Vol.25, pp.455∼460, March 2013 (SCIE)
韓千求, 韓敏喆, 李建哲, 趙萬基: 混和材を多量置換したコンクリートの中性化抑制に及ぼす乳化処理精製食用油の影響, コンクリート工学年次論文報告集, Vol.36, No.1, pp.106∼111, 2014. 7.
에너지 성능 평가 도구를 활용한 공동주택 발코니 확장시 기간 냉·난방 부하 분석에 관한 사례연구, 한국교통대, 2012
"Quantification of greenhouse gas emissions prevented through building information modeling (BIM)-based design validation - case studies in South Korea." Journal of Architectural Institute of Korea, 38(2). 2017
"Impacts of the education program for building construction applying the team-based learning method on learning of students." Journal of Architectural Institute of Korea, 17(1). 2017
Review Analysis of the Energy Conservation in Railway Station, KNUT, 2016
An Analysis on Building Shading Plan for a City Hall considering Energy Saving, KNUT, 2016
Soo-Yeon Seo, Moon Sung Lee and Luciano Feo, “Flexural Analysis of RC Beam Strengthened by Partially De-bonded NSM FRP Strip”, Composite Part B, Vol.101,No.15, 2016, pp.21-30. (SCI)
Soo-yeon Seo, Bo-ram Nam, Sang-ku Kim, “Tensile Strength of the Grout-filled Head-Splice-Sleeve”, Construction and Building Materials, 124, 2016, pp.155-166 (SCIE).
Kang Seok Lee, Bang Yeon Lee, Soo Yeon Seo, “A Seismic Strengthening Technique for Reinforced Concrete Shear Columns Using Sprayed FRP, Polymers. 8-107, 2016 (SCIE)
Jin-Ha Hwang, Deuck Hang Lee, Jae Yuel Oh, Seung-Ho Choi, Kang Su Kim and Soo-Yeon Seo, “Seismic performances of centrifugally-formed hollow-core precast columns with multi-interlocking spirals”, Steel and Composite Structures, Vol.20, No.6, 2016, pp.1259-1274. (SCIE)
Soo-yeon Seo Ki-bong Choi, Yeong-sun Kwon and Kang-seok Lee, “Flexural Strength of RC Beam Strengthened by Partially De-bonded Near-Surface-Mounted FRP Strip”, International Journal of Concrete Structures and Materials, Korea Concrete Institute, Vol.10, No.2, June 2016, pp.149-161 (SCIE)
A Case Study on Seasonal Building Thermal Load Analysis according to Apartment Balcony Extension using Building Energy Simulation Tools, KNUT, 2012
Kim, J.-Y., and Won, J. (2016). "An benefit-cost analysis of the cleaning device for photovoltaic power generation systems in buildings." Journal of Korea Institute of Building Construction, 16(6), 587-594.
Won, J., and Lee, G. (2016). "How to tell if a BIM project is successful: a goal-driven approach." Automation in Construction, 69, 34-43.
Won, J., Cheng, J. C. P., and Lee, G. (2016). "Quantification of construction and demolition waste prevented by BIM-based design validation: case studies in South Korea." Waste Management, 49, 170-180.
Lu, Q., Won, J., and Cheng, J. C. P. (2016). "A financial decision making framework for construction projects based on 5D building information modeling (BIM)." International Journal of Project Management, 34(1), 3-21.
Soo-yeon Seo, Su-min Jeon, Kyeong-tae Kim, Masayuki Kuroki and Kenji Kikuchi, “Compression Behavior of Form Block Walls Corresponding to the Strength of Block and Grout Concrete”, International Journal of Concrete Structures and Materials, Korea Concrete Institute, Vol.9, No.1, March. 2015, pp.21-33. (SCIE)
Soo-yeon Seo, Luciano Feo and David Hui, "Bond Strength of Near-Surface-Mounted FRP Plate for Retrofit of Concrete Structures", Composite Structures, Vol.95, Jan. 2013, pp.719-727 (SCIE)
Lee, G., Jeong, J., Won, J., Cho, C., You, S.-j., Ham, S., and Kang, H. (2014). "Query performance of the IFC model server using an object-relational database (ORDB) approach and a traditional relational database (RDB) approach." Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, 28(2), 210-222.
An Analysis of Borehole Depth Variation of Vertical Closed Loop Ground Heat Exchanger with Various Design Conditions, KNUT, 2014
A Case Study on site measurement of the U-value of building envelope with exterior insulation finish system considering standard, KNUT, 2014
Comparison of Measured and Predicted Photovoltaic Electricity Generation and Input Options of Various Softwares, KNUT, 2014
Shear Strengthening Effects of Beams using Aramid Plate Strip, International Conference on Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 2014
Gun-cheol Lee, H. B. Choi : Study on interfacial transition zone properties of recycled aggregate by micro-hardness test, Construction and Building Materials, Vol.25, pp.455∼460, March 2013 (SCIE)
韓敏喆, 李建哲, 趙萬基: 混和材を多量置換したコンクリートの中性化抑制に及ぼす乳化処理精製食用油の影響, コンクリート工学年次論文報告集, Vol.36, No.1, pp.106∼111, 2014. 7.
Planning and Design
최순섭, 지속가능한 커뮤니티 계획을 위한 디자인샤렛 실행체계 연구 / 한국산학기술학회논문집 / 2016.12
이명재, 가로공간 형성을 위한 지구단위계획 수립과정의 연구, 한국교통대학교 논문집, 2016
성기문/류주희, 한국 대도시 철도역 광장의 공간구성에 관한 연구, 대한건축학회지회연합논문집 18권 1호, 2016년 2월
최순섭, 충주시 문화동 1960-80년 사이 단독주택 장식 다자인에 관한 연구 / 충북여성과학기술인회 / 2015.10
최순섭, 공공적 유휴공간 재생 계획과정의 특성에 관한 연구 / 한국산학기술학회논문지 / 2015. 3
강혁진, 최순섭, 관아골 사람들과 이야기 / 2015. 3The Life Stories of Gwan-a-gol, Chungju / 2015.3
강혁진 외1, 유휴 간이역 재생경관에서 역목의 장소기억적 의미에 관한 연구 / 대한건축학회연합논문집 / 2016. 10
강혁진, 유휴 산업시설 재생에서 나타나는 저항의 건축에 대한 기초 연구 / 대한건축학회연합논문집 / 2015.2
A Study on Implementation System of 'Design Charrette' for Sustainable Community Design / 2016.12
Seong Gi-Mun/Ryu Joo-Hi, A Study on the Spatial Composition of Railway Station Squares located in Korean Metropolitan Cities, Journal of the Regional Association of Architectural Institute of Korea, 18(1), 2016.02
A Study on the Decoration Design of Detached House built between 1960s-80s in Munwhadong, Chunju-si / 2015.10
A Study on the Characteristics of Planning Process for Public Regeneration of Under-used Space / 2015.3
Kang Hyukjin, Choi soon sub, The Life Stories of Gwan-a-gol, Chungju / 2015.3
Kang Hyukjin, A Study on the Meaning as Place Memory of Yeokmok (Station Tree) in the Un-used Small Station Renovated Landscape / 2016.10
Kang Hyukjin, A Basic Study on the Architecture of Resistance in the Rehabilitation of the Abandoned Industrial Facility/2015.2